图书情报知识 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 109-119.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.05.109

• 情报、信息与共享 • 上一篇    下一篇


王敏, 徐健   

  • 出版日期:2019-09-10 发布日期:2019-09-25

Emotional Analysis and Comparative Study of Bulletscreen Comments and Subtitles

  • Online:2019-09-10 Published:2019-09-25

摘要: [目的/意义]利用情感分析技术提取视频弹幕与字幕中包含的情感信息并对其进行可视化,分析网络视频内容特征和用户情感特征以及二者之间的关系,可以为视频内容制作、检索途径提供建议。[研究设计/方法]构建基于情感词典的视频弹幕与字幕的情感分析与比较模型,对视频弹幕与字幕进行情感词抽取、情感种类划分、情感值计算,并结合时间序列研究其变化趋势。 [结论/发现] 实验表明:①弹幕的情感强度普遍高于字幕;②弹幕与字幕的情感种类分布规律大致相同,但二者的情感种类占比大小不同;③字幕与弹幕的情感关系可分为四种情况。利用视频弹幕与字幕情感种类分布的异同,可以从宏观上评判视频内容传达的情感与观众实际产生情感的异同;利用视频弹幕与字幕的情感随时间的变化曲线,分析二者之间的影响关系,可以从微观上了解视频某个片段的质量。

关键词: 弹幕, 字幕, 情感分析, 情感词典, 视频质量, 视频推荐

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]The emotional information contained in bulletscreen comments and subtitles of videos was extracted by using sentiment analysis technology and then visualized. Further analysis was made on the features and relationship of video contents and user emotion, which could provide reference for video content production and its retrieval approach. [Design/Methodology]Models of sentiment analysis and comparison of bulletscreen comments and subtitles were built upon the Sentiment Dictionary. Moreover, emotional word extraction, emotional type partition, and emotional value calculation were also conducted, which could be used to study the changing tendency with the combinational use of time series. [Findings/Conclusion]It has been found that: (1) the emotional intensity of bulletscreen comments is generally higher than that of subtitles; (2) the distribution laws of emotional categories of bulletscreen comments and subtitles are generally the same, but their proportions are different; (3) the emotional relationships between bulletscreen comments and subtitles could be classified into four categories. Similarities and differences in distribution of video bulletscreen comments and subtitles could be used to recognize the differences between the expressed emotional sentiments of video content and audience real emotions in a macroscopic manner, thereby evaluate the quality of videos. Using the emotional curve of bulletscreen comments and subtitles over time, the influential relationship between them two can be explored, and then assess the quality of a specific video segment from a microscopic viewpoint. [Originality/Value]Sentiment analysis and comparison have been conducted for the content of videos and users' true feeling, which can be applied to find the emotional coincidence and difference between them, and provide new methods and tools for film quality evaluation, production, recommendation and other tasks.

Keywords: Bullet-screen comment, Subtitle, Sentiment analysis, Sentiment Dictionary, Video quality, Video recommendation