图书情报知识 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 68-76.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.06.068

• 图书、文献与交流 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-11-10 发布日期:2019-12-03

New Thoughts on the Development of Archives in the Context of Digital Humanities

  • Online:2019-11-10 Published:2019-12-03

摘要: [目的/意义]深入探索档案馆在数字人文浪潮下的发展路径,是档案界在人文研究与数字技术交融互动的时代背景下作出的积极回应。[研究设计/方法]通过分析数字人文与档案馆的关系脉络,厘清数字人文对我国档案馆职能定位、业务工作和人员发展的影响,从服务观念、工作体制、资源建设、业务内容、人员结构五个方面指明新时期我国档案馆的发展方向。[结论/发现] 提出我国档案馆应树立用户细分的档案人文服务理念,确立“跨界合作式”档案馆数字人文项目开展机制,搭建以“档案文献”为核心的数字人文仓储,设计“贴合文化认知需求”的档案用户界面,培养或引进“数字人文型”档案馆馆员。[创新/价值]较为全面系统地探讨档案馆与数字人文的本质关联,一定程度弥补图情档学科下档案领域参与数字人文理论、实践研究的缺位。

关键词: 数字人文, 档案馆, 职能转变, 创新发展

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]Exploring the development path of archives under the wave of digital humanities is a positive and active response to the interaction between humanistic studies and digital technologies for the archival community.[Design/Methodology]By analyzing the relationship between digital humanities and archives, this paper clarified the influence of digital humanities on function positioning, business work, and personnel development of archives in China, then pointed out the development direction of archives in the new context from five aspects including service conception, working system, resource construction, business content and staff structure.[Findings/Conclusion]It is suggested that archives in China should establish the concept of archival humanistic service with user classification, build a mechanism of cross-border cooperation for digital humanistic projects in archives, construct digital humanistic repository based on archives and documents, design archival interface catering for users’ culture cognition, and train or introduce the digital humanistic archivists.[Originality/Value]This study explores the essential relevance between archives and digital humanities systematically and profoundly, which could partly make up for the absence of archives in the research on digital humanistic theories and practice in the field of library, information and archives management.

Key words: Digital humanities, Archives, Function transition, Innovative development