图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 13-24.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.02.013

• 专题·数据赋能的治理创新研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-03-10 发布日期:2021-05-07

Influencing Factors of Government Data Quality Based on Adaptive Structuration Theory:A Case Study of the Data from Government Service Hotline 12345

  • Online:2021-03-10 Published:2021-05-07

摘要: [目的/意义]为解决大数据时代中政务数据质量问题以及应对数据质量治理困境提供理论参考和解决思路。[研究设计/方法]基于适应性结构化理论构建政务数据质量影响因素模型,从结构源出发探究政务数据质量的影响因素,利用政务12345热线数据进行影响因素的验证并通过随机森林算法进行重要性评估。[结论/发现]基于分析结果提出应加强治理监管,用制度规范数据管理过程及培育大数据专业队伍,从而提升政务数据质量治理的能力和效果。[创新/价值]从结构层面探究了政务数据质量的影响因素并构建理论模型,解决当前数据治理及应用问题,提升社会治理成效。

关键词: 政务数据质量, 政务数据治理, 数据质量治理, 适应性结构化理论, 政务热线

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]This paper aims to provide theoretical references and solutions to solve the problem of government data quality in the big data era, and cope with the data governance dilemmas. [Design/Methodology]This study built a model for the influencing factors of government data quality based on Adaptive Structuration Theory, explored the factors affecting government data quality from the structural sources, used the data of government hotline 12345 to verify the influencing factors, and leveraged random forest algorithm to evaluate the importance.[Findings/Conclusion]Based upon the analysis results, this study proposed that governance and supervision should be strengthened, data management process should be standardized by a system, and a professional big data team should be built so as to improve the ability and effect of government data quality governance.[Originality/Value]From the structural level, this paper explores the influencing factors of government data quality and builds a theoretical model to solve the problems of current data governance and application and improve the effectiveness of social governance.

Key words: Government data quality, Government data governance, Data quality governance, Adaptive Structuration Theory, Government hotline