图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 61-72.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.01.061

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  • 出版日期:2022-01-10 发布日期:2022-03-19

The Evolution and Prospect of Interdisciplinary Research in China: From the Perspective of Academic Books

  • Online:2022-01-10 Published:2022-03-19

摘要: [目的/意义] 我国交叉科学研究经过70多年的发展演变已取得了长足进步。现有交叉科学研究大都基于学术论文进行分析,全面深入地分析交叉科学研究的相关著作有助于更加系统地把握我国交叉科学的发展脉络。[研究设计/方法]在梳理交叉科学发展史上的重要事件的基础上,以交叉科学著作产出为核心,辅以期刊论文的发文趋势和相关关键事件,将过去70年国内交叉科学的发展划分为五个阶段,并总结不同时期交叉科学发展的特点。[结论/发现]我国交叉科学研究在理论探索与应用实践上都取得了长足进步,交叉科学研究的内涵、演变趋势、推动者、交叉范围等均发生了变化。[创新/价值]从著作视角总结我国交叉科学研究的演进特征,勾画出我国交叉科学研究演变的脉络和轨迹,提出交叉科学研究的未来展望。

关键词: 交叉科学, 交叉学科, 跨学科教育, 文理融合, 人才培养, 一阶主题

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Interdisciplinary research(IDR)in China has achieved great progress after more than 70 years' development and evolution. Most of the existing IDR are conducted based on academic papers.However, it is also necessary to deeply analyze the relevant books concerning to IDR so as to systematically grasp the development of interdisciplinarity. [Design/Methodology] After sorting out the important events in the history of interdisciplinary development, by focusing on the interdisciplinary books and combining with the trends of journal papers' publication, the IDR's development progress in the past 70 years were divided into five stages. Moreover, its characteristics during different periods were also summarized. [Findings/Conclusion] IDR in China has made significant progress in both theoretical explorations and practical applications.The connotations, trends, stakeholders, and scopes of IDR have changed over time. [Originality/Value] This paper summaries the typical features of IDR in China from the perspective of scientific books. At the same time, it outlines the evolutionary trajectories, and puts forward the future expectationsof IDR.

Key words: Interdisciplinary science, Interdisciplinary research, Interdisciplinary education, Arts and sciences integration, Personnel training, First-order subject