图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 96-108.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.05.096

• 情报、信息与共享 • 上一篇    下一篇


范昊, 李珊珊, 热孜亚 • 艾海提   

  • 出版日期:2022-09-10 发布日期:2022-12-04

Adoption and Influence of Machine Learning Algorithms in Information Science Research in China: From the Perspective of CSSCI Journal Papers

  • Online:2022-09-10 Published:2022-12-04

摘要: [目的/意义]回顾机器学习算法在情报学研究中的应用情况,为相关学者更好地利用机器学习算法来解决情报学问题提供参考。[研究设计/方法]本研究主要采用内容分析法,选取CSSCI图情领域16种期刊为数据来源,编码文献应用的机器学习算法名称,统计分析机器学习算法应用的频次、时间分布、文献类型分布与研究领域分布特征,考察其对情报学研究的影响。[结论/发现]我国情报学领域机器学习算法的应用较早,自2016年起蓬勃发展;应用频次前5且呈现上升趋势的机器学习算法为:SVM、K-means、CNN、BERT、BiLSTM,主要应用于信息处理、信息分析与研究、信息服务与知识服务、信息计量领域。机器学习算法应用与情报学研究的生长、发展和扩张紧密关联,是矛盾解决的主要着力点、切入点和关键点。[创新/价值]系统总结我国情报学研究中机器学习算法的应用状况,并结合情报学发展进程揭示其影响。

关键词: 机器学习, 情报学研究, 内容分析, 算法使用特征, 领域分布

Abstract:  [Purpose/Significance] This study reviews the adoption and influence of machine learning algorithms in information science research, providing reference for scholars to better use these algorithms to solve relevant problems. [Design/Methodology] This study mainly uses the content analysis method.We choose 16 journals in CSSCI in the field of library and information science as data sources, manually encode machine learning algorithms' name, analyze usage frequencies, usage evolution, document type distribution and research field distribution of algorithms, finally reveal their influences on information science research. [Findings/Conclusion] The adoption of algorithms in information science research is early, and has flourished since 2016; the top 5 machine learning algorithms with upward trends are SVM, K-means, CNN, BERT, BiLSTM, machine learning algorithms are mainly applied in information processing, information analysis, information service and knowledge service, information metrology. Adoption of machine learning algorithms are closely related to growth, development and expansion of information science research, which are the focus, entry point and key point of conflict resolution at these stages. [Originality/Value] This study reveals adoption of machine learning algorithms and their influences on information science research in China.

Key words: Machine learning, Information science research, Content analysis, Using characters of algorithms, Field distribution