图书情报知识 ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 14-25.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2015.04.014

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2015-07-10 发布日期:2015-07-10

Innovation of Information Literacy Instruction Under the Background of Massive Open Online Course

  • Online:2015-07-10 Published:2015-07-10



关键词: 大规模开放在线课程, MOOC, 信息素养教育, 信息检索


This paper uses literature survey, empirical approach and web survey methods, investigates the latest definitions of and requirements for information literacy which put forward by UNESCO, IFLA, ACRL and other organizations. We analyse a particular case which is “information retrieval” MOOC set up on iCourses platform by the author, as well as finally presenting analysis on courses on worldwide MOOC platforms in connection with information literacy to support the author’s opinions. Research shows that information literacy is becoming more and more widen as for its concept and content. At present, the information literacy has integrated content including but not limited to media and information literacy, visual literacy and data literacy. In the context of MOOC, the information literacy instruction should be aligned accordingly in its content, to demonstrate a broad, customized and fragmented feature, and so is the teaching approach which should be characterized in cooperation, composition, gamification and interest. Moreover, teaching resources, teachers’ capability and students’ literacy should also undergo reform accordingly in the information literacy instruction.

Keywords: Massive open online course, MOOC, Information literacy instruction, Information retrieval