图书情报知识 ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 16-23.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2020.02.016

• 专题·科研人员流动及其影响 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-03-10 发布日期:2020-04-03

Investigation on the Patterns and Impact Factors of Scientific Researchers’ Mobility

  • Online:2020-03-10 Published:2020-04-03

摘要: [目的/意义]近年来全球范围内的科研人员流动越来越频繁,对流入国和流出国均产生较大影响。本文旨在分析全球范围内科研人员流动的模式及其影响因素。[研究设计/方法]以ORCID数据集中全球范围内的35.7万有博士学位的学者的简历(含教育背景和任职经历等)作为数据来源,从生源国、博士培养国、就业国三个层面,将学者的流动模式分为五类:A-A-A、A-A-B、A-B-B、A-B-A、A-B-C(A、B、C指不同的国家),采用多分类无序逻辑回归模型等研究方法,探讨五种流动模式的影响因素。[结论/发现]①跨国流动的科研人员占少数(近四成);②来自发达国家的科研人员中,发文量突出者或高水平论文数量突出者更倾向于跨国就业;③来自发展中国家的科研人员中,发文量虽不突出但高水平论文数量较多者更倾向于留在获取博士学位的国家就业。[创新/价值]用 ORCID 数据集追踪全球科研人员流动的方法具有新颖性,对科研人员流动模式及其影响因素的分析可以为我国人才发展战略提供借鉴。

关键词: 科研人员, 流动模式, 影响因素, 多分类无序逻辑回归模型, 开放研究者和贡献者标识符(ORCID)

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]In recent years, the mobility of researchers around the world has become more and more frequent, which has great influence on both inflow and outflow countries. This study aims to explore the patterns of scientific researchers’ international mobility and the corresponding impact factors.[Design/Methodology]This paper obtained resumes of 357,000 researchers with Ph.D. degree from all over the world on the ORCID website which also mentioned their educational and working experiences. According to the criteria including where researchers were born, where they received Ph.D. degrees and where they gained the first job after graduation, the mobility of researchers were divided into five categories which are AAA, AAB, ABB, ABA, ABC (A, B, and C refer to different countries/territories respectively). We explored the impact factors of researchers’mobility patterns with statistical analysis and multinomial logistic regression.[Findings/Conclusion]Several findings have been gained. Firstly, researchers’transnational mobility accounts for a small percentage, which is approximately 40%. Secondly, those originally from developed countries who possess abundant academic achievements or have more papers published in high quality publications before employment are more inclined to find jobs across countries. Thirdly, those originally from developing countries who have average performance in the amount of publications but publish more papers in high-quality publications before employment are more inclined to get employment in the countries where they get their Ph.D. degrees.[Originality/Value]It’s innovative to track researchers’mobility with the use of ORCID database. Meanwhile, the study on researchers’mobility patterns all over the world and their impact factors may provide reference for talent development strategies in China.

Keywords: Scientific researchers, Mobility pattern, Impact factors, Multinomial logistic regression, Open Researcher and Contributor ID(ORCID)