图书情报知识 ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 4-13.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2020.05.004

• 文华专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-09-10 发布日期:2020-10-13

Construction and Utilization of the Collections in Boone Library School

  • Online:2020-09-10 Published:2020-10-13

摘要: [目的/意义]作为中国近代图书馆学教育的发端,文华图专的藏书建设、利用及研究,可为中国近代图书馆史、教育史提供借鉴。
[研究设计/方法]以武汉大学信息管理学院所藏文华图专现存文献为依托,通过调研相关档案、原始文献及查阅数据库文献,考察文华图专藏书史实和数据,探索其规律与特色。[结论/发现] 文华图专图书馆虽早期被作为教会大学图书馆,但并不以传教或大学为重心或约束,而是始终坚持向社会开放、以开蒙大众文化为方向,其藏书建设体现为理念和理论上先导、先进,收藏以外文、图书馆学目录学、民众教育类为特色,服务则是建设、推动现代公共图书馆和开创、发展图书馆教育并重并驱。从理论到实践都对近代中国图书馆事业及教育的勃兴发挥了不可磨灭的作用。[创新/价值]将建馆目标、收藏重点、整理技术、服务方式、教育科研、社会环境及经费支持等融汇、联系,进行综合考察,全方位呈现文华图专藏书建设的样貌和气质。

关键词: 文华图专, 文华公书林, 公共图书馆, 藏书建设, 藏书利用, 藏书史

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]Library science education in modern China started from Boone Library School. The constructions, utilizations and research of Boone Library School collections could provide reference for the history of library and education in modern China.[Design/Methodology]Based upon the existing collections of Boone Library School at the School of Information Management in Wuhan University, with the research of related documents, original literature and  literature in database, this paper investigated the history and data of Boone Library School collections, and explored its rules and characteristics.[Findings/Conclusion]As a Christian university library, Boone Library School sticked to the emphasis of opening to the society and enlightening the public culture instead of preaching and educating.The construction of its collections were pioneering and advanced in ideas and theories. And its collections characterized in foreign languages, library science bibliography and public education. Services placed emphasis on development and promotion of modern public libraries, and initiating and advancing library science education. It played an important role in the booming of modern Chinese librarianship and library science education in both theories and practice.
[Originality/Value]By integrating and corelating the library targets, collecting emphasis, organizing techniques, service approaches, education and research, social environments, and funding, this paper has proposed a comprehensive presentation of the appearance and characteristics of Boone Library School.

Key words: Boone Library School, Boone Library, Public library, Collection construction, Collection utilization, History of collection