图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 27-36.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.03.027

• 专稿:“十四五”时期学科发展展望 • 上一篇    下一篇

建立具有社会可见度与广泛影响力的图情档共同体: “十四五”时期图情档领域创制大型基线与追踪调查项目的战略思考


  • 出版日期:2021-05-10 发布日期:2021-07-03

Establishing a Community with Social Visibility and Influence: Strategic Thinking on the Establishment of Large-scale Baseline and Trakcing Survey Projects in the Field of Library, Information and Archives Management During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

  • Online:2021-05-10 Published:2021-07-03

摘要: [目的/意义]探讨“十四五”时期图情档领域如何创制大型基线与追踪调查项目,以提高图情档学科内部凝聚力与社会可见度。
[研究设计/方法] 采用文献调研、案例研究等对“大型基线与追踪调查项目”概念、特征及相关研究进行梳理,讨论图情档领域创制大型基线与追踪调查项目的战略意义、命题构想和行动指南。[结论/发现]建立大型基线与追踪调查项目体系应当成为“十四五”时期图情档领域的一项战略举措,具有提高学科的外部可见度、发现崭新的研究问题、提供实践的衡量标准和提供合作的聚力平台等战略意义。“十四五”时期,图情档领域可以围绕基础命题、社会命题和热点问题三个维度展开实践行动。同时,本领域应当重视探索大型基线与追踪调查的可行议题、创建基线与追踪调查数据的开放平台、聚力运营大型基线与追踪调查项目。[创新/价值]为“十四五”时期图情档领域提高学科显示度、保障长效发展提供战略参考。

关键词: 图情档, 基线调查, 学科显示度, “十四五”时期, 信息素养, 全民阅读, 数字人文

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]This paper aims to explore how to establish large-scale baseline and tracking survey projects to improve the internal cohesion and social visibility in the field of library, information and archives management during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. [Design/Methodology]Through literature research and case studies, this paper firstly defined the concept, characteristics and reviewed related work of "large-scale baseline and tracking survey projects". Then, it discussed the strategic significance, proposition assumption and action guidelines of creating large-scale baseline and tracking survey projects in this field.
[Findings/Conclusion]Establishing large-scale baseline and project-tracking system should become a strategic action in the field of library, information and archives management during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, which has strategic significance of improving the external visibility of the discipline, discovering new research topics, providing measurement standard of practice and providing a gathering platform for cooperation. Practice in the field of library, information and archives management could be carried out from three dimensions, which are basic issues, social issues and hot issues. Moreover, this field should place importance in exploring feasible issues of large-scale baseline and tracking survey, creating open platform of baseline and tracking survey, and integrating forces to initiate and operate the baseline and tracking survey projects.
[Originality/Value]This paper provides a strategic reference for improving discipline visibility and ensuring long-term development for the field of library, information and archives management during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

Key words: Library, information and archives management, Baseline survey, Discipline visibility, The 14th Five-Year Plan period, Information literacy, National reading, Digital humanities