图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 136-145.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.04.136

• 知识、学习与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-07-10 发布日期:2021-08-29

The Trend of Data Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Legislative Response of China

  • Online:2021-07-10 Published:2021-08-29

摘要: [目的/意义]在各国不断以国内立法的方式扩展本国域外管辖范围的背景之下,对数据域外管辖的现状和趋势进行分析以完善我国数据域外管辖体系具有重要的价值和现实意义。 [研究设计/方法] 以网络空间中的数据管辖为切入点,指出传统的管辖规则在数据流动中的局限,并从国际法文件和国内立法入手来探讨数据域外管辖的路径。 [结论/发现] 国际层面,建议以多边条约的形式构建数据域外管辖的秩序,并对拟出境数据进行分类分级的规制;国内层面,建议我国立法对特殊行业和量级的数据进行“双线模式”管控,合理确定数据管辖连接点并加强国际间的数据合作。[创新/价值]为我国制定合理的数据域外管辖规则、推动数据治理的良性发展、维护我国的数据安全提供一定的参考。

关键词: 数据管辖, 域外效力, 个人信息保护法, 数据安全法

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]Under the background that countries are expanding their extraterritorial jurisdiction by domestic legislation, it is of great value and practical significance to analyze the current situation and trend of data extraterritorial jurisdiction so as to improve the data extraterritorial jurisdiction system in China.[Design/Methodology]With the starting point of data jurisdiction in cyberspace, this paper presents the limitations of traditional jurisdiction rules in data flow, and then discusses the path of data extraterritorial jurisdiction according to international legal documents and domestic legislation.[Findings/Conclusion]At the international level, the order of data extraterritorial jurisdiction is suggested to be constructed in the form of multilateral treaties, and data needs to be regulated in a classified and categorized manner when it is to be transferred overseas. At the domestic level, the legislation in China is supposed to adopt bilinear data control mode for data in special industries and of certain amounts, reasonably determine the connecting points of data jurisdiction, and strengthen international data cooperation. [Originality/Value]This study could provide a reference for making reasonable rules of data extraterritorial jurisdiction, promote a benign development of data governance, and ensure the data security of China.

Keywords: Data jurisdiction, Extraterritorial effect, Personal Information Protection Law, Data Security Law