图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 22-31.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.03.022

• 学术聚焦 · 奥运档案管理与遗产传承 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-05-10 发布日期:2022-07-30

Digital Preservation and Dissemination of Beijing Dual Olympic Legacy

  • Online:2022-05-10 Published:2022-07-30

摘要: [目的/意义]北京作为全球唯一的“双奥之城”,所创造的奥运遗产具有独一无二的价值,珍视、保护和弘扬北京“双奥”遗产是值得研究和付诸行动的大课题。[研究设计/方法]使用文献研究与案例分析方法,对奥运遗产的概念及行动发展加以梳理,分析奥运遗产数字化保存与传播的必要性与可行性;针对国内外有关奥运遗产数字化的探索,剖析其知易行难现象背后的原因,并以“北京记忆•双奥之城”数字展厅的建设为例,探讨“双奥”遗产的数字化保存与传播的应用落地与前景构想。[结论/发现]“双奥”遗产数字化保存与传播在抗风险性、可获得性、传播力、增值性方面具有显著优势;当前数字化进程存在惯性思维、路径困惑、平台缺失、疏于运维的问题;“北京记忆•双奥之城”数字展厅建设中形成的制度、规范和方法体系,有助于在普及奥运知识、弘扬奥运精神方面推出北京经验,并推动数字时代全球奥运遗产战略的实施落地。[创新/价值]北京“双奥”遗产的数字化保存与传播将为国际奥林匹克运动和北京记忆打造珍贵数字资产,在网络空间中建立奥林匹克遗产社区,实现全球公众无障碍分享。

关键词: 奥运遗产, 数字化保存, 数字化传播, 北京奥运会, 数字展厅, 数字人文

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Beijing,as a first Dual Olympic city in the world , has created an Olympic legacy of unique value. Valuing, protecting and promoting Beijing Dual Olympic legacy is a major issue worthy of study and action. [Design/Methodology] This research uses literature research and case study methods. Firstly, it collates the concept and action development of Olympic legacy, and summarizes why digital preservation and dissemination of Olympic legacy is necessary and beneficial. Secondly, it analyzes the projects of Olympic legacy digitization in China and other countries, and explores the dilemmas they face. Finally, it takes the digital exhibition hall of "Beijing Memory : Dual Olympic City" as an example to discuss the application and prospects of digital preservation and dissemination. [Findings/Conclusion] The digital preservation and dissemination of Dual Olympic legacy has significant advantages in terms of risk resistance, accessibility, dissemination power and value-adding.At present, there are the problems of inertia, confusion, lack of platform and negligence in operation and maintenance.A set of systems, standards and methods, formed in the "Beijing Memory : Dual Olympic City" digital exhibition hall help to launch Beijing's experience in popularizing Olympic knowledge and spirit and promote the implementation of the Legacy Strategic Approach in the digital era. [Originality/Value] The digital preservation and dissemination of Dual Olympic legacy will create precious digital assets both for the international Olympic games and Beijing memory, establish an Olympic legacy community in cyberspace, and realize barrier-free sharing for the global public.

Key words: Olympic legacy, Digital preservation, Digital dissemination, Beijing Olympic Games, Digital exhibition hall, Digital humanity