图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 43-55.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.04.043

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  • 出版日期:2022-07-10 发布日期:2022-10-10

Human-AI Interaction Experience Research: Accelerating the Development of Human-Centered AI

  • Online:2022-07-10 Published:2022-10-10

摘要: [目的/意义] “人智交互”和“人本人工智能”分别是人机交互和人工智能领域的前沿课题,组成了一枚硬币的两面。本研究旨在以人智交互体验研究为切入口,帮助“以用户为中心”的信息行为、用户体验等领域的学者思考如何发挥自身在用户研究和交互设计方面的独特优势,积极参与推动人本人工智能的长期稳健发展。[研究设计/方法]对国外人智交互体验现有研究进行细致梳理,从中提取研究脉络和重要维度,并揭示其对于人本人工智能发展的作用。[结论/发现]量化人智协作中用户和人工智能这两大交互主体要素对交互体验的影响是当前基本研究思路,可解释性、隐私安全等人本人工智能重点问题已有所涉及,但总体上人智交互体验研究仍处于起步阶段,缺乏系统性和针对性。[创新/价值]初步构建了人智交互体验研究体系,在研究设计层面上提出了由交互主体、交互任务、交互环境、交互体验要素组成的核心框架,在研究主题层面上探索了包含人智协作、人智竞争、人智冲突和人智共生在内的重点方向,为未来开展人智交互体验研究提供了清晰指引。

关键词: 人智交互, 交互体验, 用户研究, 人本人工智能

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] As the two sides of the same coin, "Human-AI interaction"(HAII)and "Human-Centered AI"(HCAI)have become frontier research themes in the field of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence respectively.Taking the research of HAII experience as the entry point, this study aims to help researchers in such "user-centered" fields as information behavior and user experience consider how to give play to their unique advantages in user study and interactive design, and actively participate in promoting the long-term and stable development of HCAI. [Design/Methodology] This study conducted a literature survey on previous HAII experience research, with an aim to identify the major topics and determine its connections to HCAI research. [Findings/Conclusion] The existing HAII experience research focus on quantifying the influence of human or AI characteristics on the interaction experience. However, the characteristic dimensions of the two subjects were not explored in a systematic manner, and the task and environment components of interaction were not considered. More importantly, the dimensions of user experience investigated were not well connected to the key issues of HCAI. [Originality/Value] A preliminary research system of HAII experience is established: at the level of research design, the interaction subjects, tasks, environment, and experience constitute the core framework; and at the level of research themes, human-AI collaboration, human-AI competition, human-AI conflict, and human-AI symbiosis are promising directions. The research system provides clear guidance for conducting user studies in AI-involved context in the future.

Key words: Human-AI interaction, Interaction experience, User study, Human-Centered AI