图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 67-77.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.06.067

• 青年学者论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-11-10 发布日期:2023-02-24

Collaborative Governance of Public Cultural Data: Connotation, Category and Theoretical Framework

  • Online:2022-11-10 Published:2023-02-24

摘要: [目的/意义]国家文化数字化战略要求下,公共文化数据协同治理成为促进公共文化数据开放共享、搭建文化数据服务平台、推进国家文化大数据体系建设的重要现实问题,亟须探索其基础理论形式与治理框架。[研究设计/方法]运用主题分析法,探寻数据协同治理的概念核心要素,结合公共文化数据特征,形成公共文化数据协同治理内涵;运用模型构建法,依据公共文化数据协同治理各层次的目标与功能,构建公共文化数据协同治理的整体理论框架。[结论/发现] 公共文化数据协同治理是多元文化数据主体以数据为驱动共同参与公共文化数据治理、协同完成公共文化管理与服务的非线性动态过程,具有公共性、开放性、交互性、工具性。构建了多层次、全过程、多要素的公共文化数据协同治理的理论框架。[创新/价值]关于公共文化数据协同治理的基本理论问题研究,可深化公共文化数据协同治理理论体系,进一步揭示其运行机理,为探索中国特色治理路径提供参考。

关键词: 公共文化数据, 数据协同治理, 数据治理, 数据协同, 协同治理

Abstract:  [Purpose/Significance] Under the strategy of the national cultural digitization, the collaborative governance of public cultural data has become an extremely important practical problem to promote the accessing and sharing of public cultural data, build the cultural data service platforms and promote the construction of the national cultural big data system. So it is urgent to explore its basic theories and governance framework. [Design/Methodology] Using the subject analysis method, the paper disassembles the core elements of the data collaborative governance in literatures, and forms the connotation of public cultural data collaborative governance with the characteristics of public cultural data. Using the model building method, this study further constructs the overall theoretical framework of public cultural data collaborative governance according to the objectives and functions of all levels. [Findings/Conclusion] The findings show that collaborative governance of public cultural data is a nonlinear dynamic process driven by data and has the characteristics of publicity, openness, interactivity and instrumentality, in which multi-cultural data subjects participate in and coordinate to complete public culture management and service.This paper constructs a multi-level, whole-process and multi-factor theoretical framework of collaborative governance of public cultural data. [Originality/Value] Researches on the basic theory of collaborative governance of public cultural could deepen the theoretical system and reveal the operating mechanism of collaborative governance of public cultural, all of which can provide a reference for exploring the governance path with Chinese characteristics.

Keywords: Public cultural data, Data collaborative governance, Data governance, Data collaboration, Collaborative governance