图书情报知识 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 54-63.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2024.06.054

• 专题·图书馆用户和用户需求调查研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张春红1 ,张丹阳2 ,王桂敏3   

  1. 1.北京大学图书馆,北京,100871;
  • 出版日期:2024-11-10 发布日期:2025-01-04
  • 作者简介:张丹阳(ORCID: 0000-0002-9814-797X),硕士,馆员,研究方向:学科服务、知识产权信息服务,Email: zhangdanyang@sxu.edu.cn;王桂敏(ORCID: 0009-0002-7408-0683),硕士,副研究馆员,研究方向:科技信息服务、知识产权服务,Email: 67516958@qq.com。

Research on the Change of Library User Demand in the Digital Intelligence Era

ZHANG Chunhong1 ,ZHANG Danyang2 ,WANG Guimin3   

  1. 1.Peking University Library,Beijing,100871;
    2.Shanxi University Library,Taiyuan,037008;
    3.Jilin Provincial Library,Changchun,130022
  • Online:2024-11-10 Published:2025-01-04

摘要: [目的/意义]基于数智时代图书馆的用户分类研究及行为特征分析,厘清不同用户群体使用图书馆服务的新需求,发现图书馆服务的未来发展趋势。[研究设计/方法]结合文献调研、问卷调查、专家预测、热点话题识别、案例分析等多元分析方法梳理用户类型,并基于用户分类及其行为特征进行预测研究,最终总结出用户使用图书馆服务的动机与目标、厘清用户行为与服务需求的变化。[结论/发现]基于用户需求变化分析发现图书馆服务未来五年的发展趋势,其关键性结论是:图书馆具有非常庞大的用户群体,大致可以分成研究型用户、学习型用户、休闲型用户、体验型用户、情报型用户、合作型用户、特需型用户等七种类型;其需求呈现出多元的发展趋势,这些趋势可以总体归纳为智慧化、专业化、个性化、多元化、人性化、实用化、精准化和虚拟化,体现在用户对图书馆服务或功能的各个项目、渠道、流程和整体的需求和期待中。[创新/价值]基于多元分析方法实现用户分类、服务需求变化分析和服务趋势预测,在用户研究与趋势研究领域开启新的研究思路。

关键词: 数智时代, 图书馆, 用户分类, 用户行为特征, 用户需求变化, 服务趋势研究

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This paper intends to clarify new demands of different user groups using library services, and discover the future development trend of library services, based on the research of library users classification and their behavioral characteristics in the digital intelligent era. [Design/Methodology] Utilizing a combination of analytical methods, such as literature review, questionnaire survey, expert prediction, hot topic identification, and case analysis, this study classifies user types of library, and conducts predictive research based on user classification and their behavioral characteristics. Ultimately, it summarizes the motivations and objectives of users in using library services, clarifies the changes in user behavior and service demands. [Findings/Conclusion] Based on the analysis of alterations in user demands, this paper discovers the development trend of library services in the next five years and reaches the following key conclusions. The libraries have an extremely large user group, which can be roughly divided into seven types, including research users, learning users, leisure users, experience users, intelligence users, cooperative users and special needs users. Their demands show a diversified development trends, which can be summarized as intelligence, specialization, personalization, diversification, humanization, practicality, precision and virtualization, as reflected in the user demands and expectations for various projects, channels, processes, and the overall library services or functions. [Originality/Value] Based on multiple analysis methods, this paper conducts the classification of users, analysis of library service demand changes and prediction of library service trend, it paving the way for new research perspectives in the fields of user studies and trend research.

Keywords: Digital intelligence era, Library, User classification, User behavioral characteristics, User demand change, Service trend research