Documentation, Informaiton & Knowledge ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 54-63.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2024.06.054

• Special Topic: Investigation and Research on Library Users and Their Needs • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Change of Library User Demand in the Digital Intelligence Era

ZHANG Chunhong1 ,ZHANG Danyang2 ,WANG Guimin3   

  1. 1.Peking University Library,Beijing,100871;
    2.Shanxi University Library,Taiyuan,037008;
    3.Jilin Provincial Library,Changchun,130022
  • Online:2024-11-10 Published:2025-01-04

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This paper intends to clarify new demands of different user groups using library services, and discover the future development trend of library services, based on the research of library users classification and their behavioral characteristics in the digital intelligent era. [Design/Methodology] Utilizing a combination of analytical methods, such as literature review, questionnaire survey, expert prediction, hot topic identification, and case analysis, this study classifies user types of library, and conducts predictive research based on user classification and their behavioral characteristics. Ultimately, it summarizes the motivations and objectives of users in using library services, clarifies the changes in user behavior and service demands. [Findings/Conclusion] Based on the analysis of alterations in user demands, this paper discovers the development trend of library services in the next five years and reaches the following key conclusions. The libraries have an extremely large user group, which can be roughly divided into seven types, including research users, learning users, leisure users, experience users, intelligence users, cooperative users and special needs users. Their demands show a diversified development trends, which can be summarized as intelligence, specialization, personalization, diversification, humanization, practicality, precision and virtualization, as reflected in the user demands and expectations for various projects, channels, processes, and the overall library services or functions. [Originality/Value] Based on multiple analysis methods, this paper conducts the classification of users, analysis of library service demand changes and prediction of library service trend, it paving the way for new research perspectives in the fields of user studies and trend research.

Keywords: Digital intelligence era, Library, User classification, User behavioral characteristics, User demand change, Service trend research