DOCUMENTATION,INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 91-101.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2018.04.091

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Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds: A Review of the 2017 ASIS&T Annual Meeting


  • Online:2018-07-10 Published:2018-07-10


ASIS&T annual meeting is the premier international conference dedicated to disseminate and display the latest research achievements in information science, information technology and related topics. This article reviews the proceeding papers of the 80th ASIS&T annual meeting from six aspects, including information organization and search, information users, information behavior, information use, bibliometrics and altmetrics, information and society in order to disclose the status quo and trends in information science research. The topics of the meeting contained the latest achievements in theoretical research and application of information science, and the contents focus on problemoriented empirical research, which are all aimed to provide theoretical guidance and practical evidence for specific problems. The research methods are mainly individual interviews and online surveys conducted among users, and supplemented by using other quantitative methods to improve the research confidence and reliability. The new information environments and technologies have become the driving force for the advancement of information science, and its research objects, contents and methods have continuously extended, expanded and innovated, which pay more attention to the relation revolution of people, information and society caused by the development of information and technology.

Keywords: ASIS&T, Information science, Information technology, Proceeding paper, Annual meeting review