Documentation, Informaiton & Knowledge ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 68-76.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2023.05.068

• Academic Focus(2): Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC)and Publishing • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Technical Principles and Process Innovations of Generative Intelligent Publishing

ZHANG Xinxin1, DING Jingjia2   

  1. 1.College of Communication and Art Design, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200000;
    2. School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072
  • Online:2023-09-10 Published:2023-10-22
  • Contact: Correspondence should be addressed to ZHANG Xinxin,,ORCID:0009-0007-5466-3589
  • Supported by:
    This is an outcome of the Major Project "Theoretical Innovation and Practical Path of Government Information Disclosure to Data Openness in China"(22&ZD329)supported by National Social Science Foundation of China, and the project of National Standard of "Cultural Product Virtual Reality(VR)Technology Application Requirements"(ZHCB202301)supported by the National Press and Publication Administration's Smart Publishing and Knowledge Service Key Laboratory.

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This study aims to explore how generative artificial intelligence(AI)technology empowers the publishing industry to form the principles and process innovations of generative intelligent publishing. Based on the categorical structure of analytical intelligent publishing and generative intelligent publishing, this study investigates the issues of process innovations of generative intelligent publishing in four aspects of content production, content review, intelligent printing, and intelligent marketing. [Design/Methodology] From the perspective of ChatGPT, this study analyzes the ontological attribute definitions of ChatGPT in three aspects: generative AI, cognitive intelligence, and artificial general intelligence.It reveals three key technical principles: massive data advantage, reinforcement learning algorithm advantage, and continuous supercomputing power advantage. Finally, it discusses the process innovations of intelligent publishing based on generative AI. [Findings/Conclusion] The implications of generative AI in the publishing process innovations include the transition from professional generated content to AI generated content, the transition from manual editing to human-machine collaborative intelligent editing, to innovations in printing scenarios such as on-demand printing and intelligent printing factories based on generative AI, and to changes in marketing data, capabilities, efficiency and quality based on generative AI. [Originality/Value] This paper defines the ontological results of generative AI, cognitive intelligence and artificial general intelligence stages for the products of optimizing language models for dialogue represented by ChatGPT. It proposes new characteristics, new laws and new ideas for generative intelligent publishing in the stages of planning, editing, printing and distribution and expands the research scope of digital publishing and intelligent publishing to some extent.

Key words: ChatGPT, Intelligent publishing, Generative AI, Smart publishing, Digital publishing, Metaverse publishing, AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content)