Instructions for Authors

  • 1 Form requirements

    1.1 Structure order of papers

    Chinese title; author; author’s unit, city, zip code; Chinese abstract, keywords, CLC number; English title; English abstract, English keywords; the text; fund project; corresponding author; brief introduction of authors; references; author contributions statement; supporting data.

    1.2 Abstract format

    The journal adopts the structured abstract. The main content includes: purpose/significance, research design/methods, conclusion/discovery, innovation/value, etc. And please avoid critical and indicative writing.

    1.3 Keywords

    The selection of keywords should be based on the principle that they can best represent the core content of the text and search for the paper most quickly and accurately, usually 5-8.

    1.4 CLC number

    Please refer to the Chinese Library Classification (CLC) for the classification code. Two classification numbers are required for interdisciplinary research papers.

    1.5 Numbering

    Use level format like “1”, “1.1” and “1.1.1”, no more than three level headings in principle. When the number of levels is deep be titles, (1) (2) (3) and ①②③ can be used.

    1.6 Fund project

    Fund projects are marked on the first page of the paper in the form of footnotes, including the fund name, project name and project number. The number of funds is not more than two and must be related to the content of the article.

    1.7 Corresponding author and brief introduction of authors

    It is required to clearly mark the corresponding author information in the form of footnotes on the first page of the paper, including name, open researcher and contributor identification code (ORCID, available at, degree, professional title, research direction, and E-mail. In addition, the corresponding author is responsible for all the issues that the editorial department communicates with the author during the manuscript submission process, such as manuscript withdrawal, revision, feedback, etc. The brief introductions of other authors are footnoted on the first page of the paper, including name, ORCID, degree, professional title, research direction, and E-mail.

    For details, please refer to “Paper Template” (see “Download Center” on the right side of the homepage of the journal website)

    2 Graph specifications

    (1)   Graphs should be closely related to the content and are essential. And each graph should have a corresponding explanation in the text.

    (2)   Graphs must be marked with serial numbers and names, such as graph 1 ****, table 1 ****.

    (3)   Specify the source below the cited graphs; authors should take care of the copyright license issues.

    (4)   Graphs need to be clear. If the graphs are not legible in the article, please send them as attachments.

    3 Author contributions statement

    The author contributions statement is used to reveal the role of co-authors in the paper, which is mainly divided into the following aspects:

    (1)   The proposal, conception and design of research propositions and ideas, including the proposal of a specific point of view or method;

    (2)   Execution and implementation of the research process;

    (3)   Acquisition, provision and analysis of important and major data;

    (4)   Drafting or revising the final version of the paper;

    (5)   Other important and substantive work in the research (need to specify the content of the work).

    The same author may contribute in multiple ways, and multiple co-authors may contribute to the same area. Those who only provide support for research such as funds, infrastructure or basic management and supervision shall not be regarded as the authors of academic papers. For papers with multiple authors, please indicate the specific contributions of each author in the above aspects at the end of the paper, for example:

    A: put forward the overall research ideas and framework;

    B: be responsible for data research;

    C: be responsible for data cleaning and analysis;

    D, E, and F: be responsible for the drafting and revision of the paper;

    G: be responsible for the final revision of the paper.

    4 Supporting data

    In order to ensure the objectivity and repeatability of the data and improve the scientific integrity, the journal requires authors to provide the access to supporting data, data file names and data titles at the end of the article for articles involving data processing and analysis.

    Specific requirements are as follows:

    4.1 Supporting data acquisition way

    (1) If they are publicly available, please provide the open access platform address;

    (2) If they are stored by authors, please provide the email address for contact.

    4.2 Supporting data file names and description

    Please indicate the name of the person responsible for data processing/analysis/storage, data file names, and data titles.

    4.3 The template is as follows:

    (1) Situation 1

    Supporting data can be publicly obtained through the open platform. Platform address.

    1.      Name of person responsible for data processing/analysis/storage. Name of data file 1. Title of data file 1.

    2.      Name of person responsible for data processing/analysis/storage. Name of data file 2. Title of data file 2.

    3.      ......

    (2) Situation 2

    Supporting data are stored by authors. E-mail address.

    1.      Name of person responsible for data processing/analysis/storage. Name of data file 1. Title of data file 1.

    2.      Name of person responsible for data processing/analysis/storage. Name of data file 2. Title of data file 2.

    3.      ......

    4.4 An example is as follows:

    (1) Situation 1

    Supporting data can be publicly obtained through the open platform. The platform address is http://***.***.***.***

    1.      A, B. Users search data.xlsx.User search data.

    2.      A, C. Drug.txt.Drug Dictionary.

    3.      A, D. Solution.Xml. Clustering results.

    (2) Situation 2

    Supporting data are stored by authors. E-mail: ***@***

    1.      A, B. Users search data.xlsx.User search data.

    2.      A, C. Drug.txt.Drug Dictionary.

    3.      A, D. Solution.Xml. Clustering results.

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  • 2021-03-07 Visited: 42386