Journal Policies

  • 1. Before submission, authors must confirm that the submitted manuscript is original and unpublished, and sign the work according truthfully. This journal firmly resists academic misconducts such as duplicate submission, plagiarism, etc.

    2. All submissions should respect the intellectual property rights of others and the cited literatures must be factual. Please refer to for the reference formats of the journal. Templates of this journal is accessible through

    3. After the peer reviewing and revision, authors ought to sign the “Copyright Transfer Statement” with this journal so as to protect the mutual rights and interests of authors and the journal before the formal acceptance.

    4. Papers published in this journal are included in various databases and platforms, such as the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Database, VIP Periodical Resource Integration Service Platform (VIP Database), and National Social Sciences Database. Meanwhile, all papers are openly accessible on the official website of this journal. Authors’ copyright royalties and remuneration will be paid in one lump sum. In case of authors’ reluctance of their articles’ inclusion by these databases, platforms and the journal’s official website, please make a special explanation when submitting the manuscript.

    5. If the author's signature, fund project and other information need to be changed before the official publication of the manuscript, the author must submit the relevant statement to the editorial office with all the authors’ signature attached.

    6. Reviewers should scrupulously perform their duties, seek truth from facts, carry out the reviewing work independently, objectively and impartially, and not leak or plagiarize the content of the reviewed manuscript.


  • 2021-09-30 Visited: 2756