图书情报知识 ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 56-65.
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关键词: 贫困地区, 中学图书馆, 民营图书馆, 立人图书馆
Through an on-the-spot investigation of the status of secondary school libraries in underdeveloped regions of Luzhou,Sichuan province, we identified several problems in this kind of libraries. To address these problems, we suggest that private libraries be introduced as a supplementary alternative. Their operational modes, significance and feasibility, and marketing strategies for them are carefully examined. We expect this study to be helpful in improving secondary school library services in these regions.
Keywords: Underdeveloped regions, Secondary school libraries, Private library, China rural library
胡卉,赵媛,常锋剑. 贫困地区中学图书馆建设的民营模式——基于四川泸州地区的调研[J]. 图书情报知识, 2013, 0(5): 56-65.
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