图书情报知识 ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 38-45.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2017.03.038

• 图书、文献与交流 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2017-05-10 发布日期:2017-05-10

A Hybrid Model of Collection Development:The Integration of Approval Plan and PDA

  • Online:2017-05-10 Published:2017-05-10


针对国内高校图书馆在实践上没有纲目购书和读者决策采购(Patron Driven Acquisitions, PDA)的成功案例,理论上冷遇纲目购书而热捧PDA的现状,本文试图从理论上厘清两者之间的逻辑关系,从实践上找到两者融合的案例,探讨两种购书模式融合的可能性,为馆藏建设提供一种新的思路。通过理论分析纲目购书的优劣势、PDA的优劣势以及纸本书和电子书的覆盖差异得出两者融合的可能性及可行路径;通过案例调查堪萨斯大学图书馆从基于馆际互借的PDA到基于单价的PDA项目、加州州立大学富勒顿分校图书馆读者需求优先的纲目购书项目以及丹佛大学Penrose图书馆多种介质文献的PDA采购项目,证明将两者相融合的优势。纲目购书和PDA虽是不同的选书方式和理念,但绝非相互取代非此即彼,而是可以通过取长补短来优化馆藏建设效果。国内学界和业界要完整消化吸收相关理论和实践,出版商、馆配商和高校图书馆要共同推动实现纲目购书和PDA相融合的馆藏建设复合模式。

关键词: 纲目购书, PDA, 高校图书馆, 馆藏建设, 复合模式


There are no successful cases on approval plans or PDA in China, and only a few academic librarians pay attention to approval plans while many do research on PDA. This article tried to clarify the logic relationship between these two bookselecting models in theory and to find integrating cases to explore the possibilities of the integration in order to offer a new option for book selection. It analyzed the pros and cons of both models and the coverage differences of printed and digital books to conclude the probabilities and feasible measures of the integration. It also did research on integrated cases in Kansas University Library, library of California State University at Fullerton and Penrose Library of University of Denver to prove the advantages of the integration. Although approval plans and PDA are different bookselecting methods and concepts, they do not take place of but make up for each other’s deficiencies to optimize the effect of collection development. Based on these, it suggested that library science researchers and academic librarians in China digest and absorb advanced ideas and practice completely, and publishers, library vendors and academic libraries in China take their own responsibilities to realize a hybrid collection development model integrating approval plan and PDA.

Keywords: Approval plan, PDA(Patron Driven Acquisitions), Academic libraries, Collection development, Hybrid model