图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 72-82.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.03.072

• 专题 · 疫情时期的科学交流 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-05-10 发布日期:2022-07-30

Unfulfilled Expectations and Emerging Opportunities:Interpretation and Discussion of the RoRI Report "Scholarly Communication in Times of Crisis"

  • Online:2022-05-10 Published:2022-07-30

摘要: [目的/意义]欧洲科学学研究机构(RoRI)发布的《危机时代的学术交流》报告(简称《RoRI报告》),回顾了全球学术交流系统为应对新冠肺炎疫情所开展的变革与创新,为深入理解学术交流系统的公共卫生危机应对措施与成效提供了丰富的证据资料。[研究设计/方法]本文梳理总结了《RoRI报告》的定量分析(文献计量学分析)和定性分析(问卷调查与案例研究)的结果,讨论疫情初期科学共同体所拟定的关于改进学术交流系统的主要承诺是否已经实现。[结论/发现]《RoRI报告》的结果显示:关于推进新冠论文开放获取和加速新冠论文稿件同行评议的承诺基本得到了落实,而关于提升新冠论文预印本可用性和促进新冠研究数据分享的承诺尚未大规模实现。[创新/价值]基于《RoRI报告》的结论,探讨疫情时期科学共同体改进学术交流系统的尝试,及其对后疫情时代继续完善学术交流系统的启示。

关键词: 学术交流, 预印本, 开放获取, 开放科学, 数据分享, 新冠疫情

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The Research on Research Institute(RoRI) published a scientific report titled "Scholarly communication in times of crisis" ("RoRI Report"). The scientific report reviewed the changes and innovations in the global scholarly communication system in response to COVID-19 pandemic, providing a rich source of evidence for a deeper understanding of the public health crisis response of the scholarly communication system and its effect. [Design/Methodology] By summarizing the results of the quantitative (bibliometric analysis) and qualitative (questionnaire analysis and case studies) analyses of the "RoRI Report", this paper reviews whether the main commitments formulated by the scientific community during the outbreak of the pandemic have been achieved to improve the scholarly communication system. [Findings/Conclusion] The findings of "RoRI Report" show that commitments to advance open access to COVID-19 papers and accelerate peer review of COVID-19 manuscripts have largely been fulfilled, while commitments to enhance the availability of preprints of COVID-19 papers and facilitate the sharing of COVID-19 research data have not been fulfilled at a large scale. [Originality/Value] Based on the findings of the "RoRI Report", this paper discusses the attempts of the scientific community to improve the scholarly communication system during the pandemic, and the implications for further improving the scholarly communication system in the post-epidemic era.

Key words: Scholarly communication, Preprints, Open access, Open science;Data sharing, COVID-19 pandemic