图书情报知识 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 152-160.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2023.02.152

• 知识、学习与管理 • 上一篇    


郭明军 1,2, 安小米 2,3,4, 李韬 5, 彭细正 6   

  1. 1.国家信息中心大数据发展部,北京,100045;
  • 出版日期:2023-03-10 发布日期:2023-05-09
  • 通讯作者: 安小米(ORCID:0000-0002-6283-2289),博士,教授,研究方向:大数据治理、政府信息资源管理、电子文件管理、标准治理,Email: anxiaomi@ruc.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:郭明军(ORCID:0000-0002-6767-2448),博士,经济师,研究方向:政府信息资源管理与大数据治理协同创新,Email:guomjnature@126.com;李韬(ORCID:0000-0003-2845-0866),博士,教授,研究方向:数字治理、数字经济与产业政策,Email: litao7898@126.com;彭细正(ORCID:0000-0001-9529-3683),硕士,工程师,研究方向:数字政府、IT 绩效管理、IT 运维管理,Email:5168570@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

The Implementation Path for the Connection and Utilization of Government Data and Social Data: Model Construction and Practical Application

GUO Minjun, AN Xiaomi, LI Tao, PENG Xizheng   

  • Online:2023-03-10 Published:2023-05-09
  • Contact: Correspondence should be addressed to AN Xiaomi, Email: anxiaomi@ruc.edu.cn, ORCID:0000-0002-6283-2289
  • Supported by:
    This is an outcome of the Major Project "Studies about Data Governance and Data Use Capability in Chinese Government"(20&ZD161)supported by National Social Science Foundation of China.

摘要: [ 目的 / 意义 ] 促进政务数据与社会数据对接利用,是提升政府数字治理能力的必然要求,也是打造数据强国的战略路径。[ 研究设计 / 方法 ] 基于协同创新理论和公共价值理论,构建政务数据与社会数据对接利用分析模型,通过 X 市数据治理典型实践案例进行案例验证。[ 结论 / 发现 ] 从能力维和保障维出发,围绕数据汇聚、管理、应用以及组织管理、建设运营、数据安全等六方面,构建“3×3”政社数据对接利用实施路径模型,从应用范围、应用领域、应用环节方面进行实践验证。[ 创新 / 价值 ]“3×3”模型为开展政社数据对接利用提供了有效工具和可行路径,回答了政社数据对接利用“做什么、如何做、谁来做”的问题。

关键词: 政务数据, 社会数据, 对接利用, 模型构建, 实现路径

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This study is to deal with questions about promoting the connection and utilization of government data and social data,which is an inevitable requirement for improving the digital governance ability of the government and a strategic approach to build a data enabled country. [Design/Methodology] Under theoretical guidance of collaborative innovation and public value, this paper builds an analytic model of the connection and utilization of government data and social data to conduct application verification through typical practical cases of data governance in X City. [Findings/Conclusion] A "3×3" implementation path model for connection and utilization of government and social data is constructed around six aspects: in terms of data aggregation, management, application and organizational management, construction and operation, and data security. The model has been verified to be useful in practice from its application scope, application field and application process. [Originality/Value] The "3×3" model has provided an effective tool and a feasible path for implementation of connection and utilizationof government data and social data and has provided answers to the research question about "what to do, how to do it, and who will do it".

Key words: Government data, Social data, Connection and utilization, Model construction, Implementation path