图书情报知识 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 99-108.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.01.099

• 情报、信息与共享 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-01-10 发布日期:2019-01-10

Establishing a Conceptual Space for the Information Behavior Domain and A Literature Review

  • Online:2019-01-10 Published:2019-01-10


[目的/意义] 立足于图书情报学,通过对已有研究的梳理对信息行为领域的概念进行划分,旨在解决长期以来困扰信息行为研究人员的概念混用问题,并对信息行为领域的未来发展作出展望。[研究设计/方法] 对大量已有文献进行梳理与综述,构建信息行为领域概念空间模型,对相关概念进行辨析。 [结论/发现] 将信息行为领域划分为信息搜寻、信息偶遇和信息规避三个子领域,对各子领域中重要概念的含义进行了阐释与辨析,以嵌套图的形式展现了搜寻、偶遇、规避三种信息现象之间的关系并区分了其所包含的核心概念。在分别综述各子领域相关研究的基础上,对信息行为领域的未来作出了展望。[创新/价值] 构建了信息行为领域的概念空间模型,对信息行为领域内的诸多概念进行了界定,详细阐述了各概念之间的关系与区别。

关键词: 信息行为, 信息搜寻, 信息偶遇, 信息规避, 信息行为领域概念空间


[Purpose/Significance] This study aims to differentiate and analyze the various concepts in the domain of information behavior and predict the future development of this domain. [Design/Methodology] This study reviews previous research and constructs a conceptual model. [Findings/Conclusion] This study divides the domain of information behavior into three subdomains, including information seeking, information encountering, and information avoidance. For each subdomain, important concepts are interpreted and distinguished, and related studies are organized and reviewed. The future development of the information behavior domain is predicted based on a comprehensive review of all three subdomains. [Originality/Value] The study constructs a model showing the relationships among information seeking, information encountering, and information avoidance and their key concepts in the form of a nested diagram.

Keywords: Information behavior, Information seeking, Information encountering, Information avoidance, Conceptual space of the information behavior domain