图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 113-124.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.01.113

• 知识、学习与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-01-10 发布日期:2021-03-04

Research on Novice Users’ Mental Model Evolution and Learning Patterns Based upon Tasks in Academic Database

  • Online:2021-01-10 Published:2021-03-04

摘要: [目的/意义]如何理解新手在与学术数据库交互过程中其心智模型的演进过程和学习模式是值得关注的问题,探究任务类型对学术数据库新手用户心智模型和学习模式的影响能够更好地帮助用户使用学术数据库。[研究设计/方法]本研究通过77位新手用户参与完成三种不同类型的任务(事实型搜索、探索型搜索和干涉型搜索)前后分别绘制的中国知网概念图的实验,对概念图的结构差异和内容差异进行分析,探讨不同任务情境下学术数据库新手心智模型的演进规律及学习模式。[结论/发现] 研究表明用户信息搜索前后心智模型的演进模式受到任务类型的驱动,呈现出不同的概念图结构和维度内容;用户在不同任务的搜索前后均进行了学习行为,但学习模式存在差异,大多数新手用户在事实型任务和干涉型任务搜索后进行了有意义的学习,而在探索型任务搜索后用户进行了初步学习。[创新/价值]从任务类型的影响视角丰富了“搜索即学习”中的新手用户心智模型和学习模式的研究内容,有利于信息专业人员为新手开展信息检索技能培训和优化检索系统设计。

关键词: 信息搜索, 心智模型, 概念图, 新手用户, 学习模式

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]How to understand the mental model evolution and learning patterns of novice users of academic database during their interaction with systems is an issue worthy of concern. Exploring the influence of task types on mental model and learning patterns of novice users of academic database can promote users’ better use of academic database.
[Design/Methodology]With the experiment of 77 novice users’ participation in three types of information search (i.e. factual task, exploratory task and interventional task), the conceptual maps of CNKI database were created by novice users before and after their task execution. Then the differences in structure and content of these conceptual maps were analyzed to explore the impact of task types on novice users’ mental model evolution and learning patterns of academic database.
[Findings/Conclusion]Firstly, the evolution of novice users’ mental model before and after information seeking was driven by task types with different performance of conceptual structure and dimensional content. Secondly, all the users conducted study both before and after their search, but their learning patterns were different. Most novice users conducted meaningful learning after factual tasks and interventional tasks, while a preliminary learning was performed after exploratory tasks.
[Originality/Value]From the perspective of task types, this study enriches the research on novice users' mental model and learning patterns in "search as learning", which is helpful for information professionals to carry out information retrieval training for novice users and optimize the design of retrieval systems.

Key words: Information search, Mental model, Conceptual map, Novice user, Learning pattern