图书情报知识 ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 34-41.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2020.05.034

• 口述史专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-09-10 发布日期:2020-10-13

A Brief Introduction of Oral Literature Collection in Chinese Libraries in the Context of Oral History Development

  • Online:2020-09-10 Published:2020-10-13

摘要: [目的/意义]着眼于我国图书馆界开展口述史工作相关情况,概述当前该领域发展状况,总结不同类别主体在相关工作中的特点,分析其未来发展趋势,为相关领域研究者和从业者开展研究和实践提供参考。[研究设计/方法]采用分类研究的设计,根据相关工作的主体类型分类进行阐述,并运用例证法,在每一类别中以典型示例对相关特点加以印证。[结论/发现] 我国口述史工作呈现专业化和大众化两大趋势,图书馆在其中由收藏者向建设者转化,并为口述文献的利用和推广发挥了日益重要的作用。[创新/价值]对相关领域的口述史工作进行比较分析,并对我国口述史工作及图书馆口述文献建设的趋势进行分析,为图书馆界口述文献共建和机构主体启动相关工作提供针对性指引。

关键词: 口述史, 口述文献, 影音记录, 文献建设, 中国记忆项目, 中国图书馆界重要人物专题

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]With the focus on the oral history work of Chinese libraries, this paper aims to explore the current status, summarize the characteristics for different types of subjects in related work and analyze the developing trends. It intends to provide reference for researchers and practitioners in relevant fields for their research and practice.[Design/Methodology]This paper adopted the method of classification research to elaborate different categories of related work according to the subject type. It also used the method of exemplification to validate the characteristics of specific categories with typical examples.Professionalism and popularization have been found to be the two main trends of the oral history work in China. To be specific, libraries have switched from collectors to builders, and played an increasingly important role in the utilization and promotion of oral literature.[Findings/Conclusion]The innovation of this paper lies in the comparative analysis of oral history work in relevant fields, and the analysis and prediction of the trend of oral history work and the collection of oral literature in libraries in China, which provides targeted guidance for the co-collection of oral literature in 
libraries and the start of related work for institutions.

Keywords: Oral history, Oral literature, Video and audio recording, Literature collection, Chinese Memory Project, Project of Important Figures in Chinese Libraries