图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 93-102.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.01.093

• 情报、信息与共享 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-01-10 发布日期:2021-03-04

Literature Review on Public Opinion Identification and Analysis in Emergencies

  • Online:2021-01-10 Published:2021-03-04

摘要: [目的/意义]突发事件情境下,及时有效地回应舆论关切成为舆情管理中的重要议题,梳理总结突发事件舆情观点研究现状与发展趋势有助于该领域研究开展与实践指导。 [研究设计/方法]采集国内外有关突发事件舆情观点的科学文献,从信息分析过程角度出发,分为舆情观点识别、舆情观点组织和舆情观点分析三个方面进行综述。[结论/发现] 随着知识图谱等技术优化与应用的不断推进,舆情观点研究可从识别细粒化、组织结构化、分析系统化等方面加以深化,在构建层次化舆情观点信息组织架构及图谱原型的基础上,建立系统化舆情观点多维演化分析框架与应用范式。[创新/价值]从信息分析过程的角度对突发事件舆情观点研究进行总结评述,为突发事件情境下舆情观点与知识图谱的深入融合应用提供参考。

关键词: 舆情观点, 观点挖掘, 信息组织, 观点演化, 舆情知识图谱, 突发事件

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]In the context of major emergencies, timely and effective response to public opinions and concerns has become an important issue in public opinion management. Clarifying the research status and development trends of study on public opinion in emergencies is helpful for research development and practical guidance in this field. [Design/Methodology]This research collected scientific literature on emergency public opinion published domestically and abroad, and a review was conducted from the perspective of information analytic process, including public opinion identification, public opinion organization, and public opinion analysis.[Findings/Conclusion]With the advancement of technology optimization and application, public opinion research can be furthered in terms of fine-grained identification, structured organization, and systematized analysis. A systematic and multi-dimensional evolutionary analytic framework and application paradigm for public opinions have been developed based on building a hierarchical public opinion information organization structure and graph prototype.[Originality/Value]This study has reviewed the research on public opinions in emergencies from the perspective of information analytic process, which could provide a theoretical reference for the in-depth integration and application of public opinions and knowledge graphs in the context of major emergencies.

Key words: Public opinion, Opinion mining, Information organization, Opinion evolution, Knowledge graph of public opinion, Emergency