图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 101-112.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.06.101

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  • 出版日期:2022-11-10 发布日期:2023-02-24

Users Participation in Co-governance: A New Thinking on Privacy Risk Governance of Open Government Data

  • Online:2022-11-10 Published:2023-02-24

摘要: [目的/意义]吸引用户参与隐私风险共治,能够为政府开放数据隐私风险治理提供新思路,有利于推进政府开放数据的有效利用和价值实现。[研究设计/方法]采用文献研究法,对国内外政府开放数据隐私风险相关研究进行调查分析,在此基础上提出用户参与隐私风险协同共治的整体框架,分析用户参与政府开放数据隐私风险共治的价值与动因,探讨用户参与共治的模式、参与路径、参与方式。[结论/发现]用户参与政府开放数据隐私风险共治有利于防范数据风险、保障数据安全、实现数据价值、健全政府服务功能,用户参与隐私风险共治是个体内在动机与政府外部激励共同驱动的结果。用户参与政府开放数据隐私风险共治的模式可分为政府主导型、政府与用户协同共治型、用户主导型,用户参与隐私风险共治可以从隐私风险识别、隐私风险评估、隐私风险控制三个方面,通过使用性参与、评价性/反馈性参与、监督性参与等方式实现。[创新/价值]从用户参与视角出发,提出用户参与政府开放数据隐私风险协同共治的新思路、新路径,对防范政府数据风险、保障数据隐私安全、实现政府数据价值、提升政府治理能力具有一定的研究贡献。

关键词: 政府开放数据, 隐私风险, 风险治理, 用户参与


[Purpose/Significance] The article draws attention to a new thinking about user involvement in co-governance of privacy risk of open government data to promote the effective utilization and value realization of open government data. [Design/Methodology] By using the literature research method, this paper investigates and analyzes the studies on the privacy risks of open government data at home and abroad, and then puts forward the overall framework for users to participate in the co-governance of privacy risks. we analyze the value and motivation attracting users to participate in the co-governance of privacy risks of open government data, and explore the participation modes, participation paths and participation ways. [Findings/Conclusion] Users participation in the co-governance of privacy risk of open government data is conducive to preventing data risks, ensuring data security, realizing data value, and improving government service functions. Users participation in co-governance of privacy risk is the result of synergetic effects of internal motives from oneself and external motives from government. Users participation modes can be divided into government-led co-governance, government-user collaborate co-governance, and user-led co-governance. Users participation in co-governance privacy risk can be achieved through the ways of participating in use, participating in evaluation/feedback and participating in supervision, which throughout three paths:privacy risk identification, privacy risk assessment and privacy risk control. [Originality/Value] From a perspective of users participation, this study proposes new ideas and approaches for users to participate in the co-governance privacy risks of open government data, which could contribute to prevent government data risks, ensure data privacy security, realize the value of government data, and improve the governance capacities of the government.

Key words: Open government data, Privacy risk, Risk governance, Users participation