图书情报知识 ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 4-10.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2015.05.004

• 学科前沿·海外 • 上一篇    下一篇


(美)Paul G. Zurkowski   

  • 出版日期:2015-09-10 发布日期:2015-09-10

Action Literacy:Key to Success for We the People in the Information Age

  • Online:2015-09-10 Published:2015-09-10


文章立足于从过去40年来, 信息素养不断与经济、政治及社会发展变化相关联的现象进行分析,并由此预见信息素养的未来40年。  首先, 作者诠释了19世纪七、八十年代,新兴的信息环境催生了信息服务,这项服务要求针对信息搜索进行用户培训, 即用户需要信息技能,“信息素养”由此得以在信息时代的早期诞生;而在互联网背景下, 搜索技能的持续和深入发展仍为时代所需, 信息素养将向行动素养延伸。 其次,以西方国家为例证, 作者分析了信息不对称如何导致了腐化各国经济和民主的不平等, 并指出普及和提高民众的行动素养将提供针对这一挑战的解决之道。 文章最后倡导未来的信息素养运动必须将注意力转到信息素养能力在家庭、办公室、学校、工厂和政府中的运用;行动素养以促进工作场所的信息利用和终身学习为目标。 达成此目标的途径则是广泛的、拓展的信息素养培训。作者并介绍了行动素养联盟, 一个旨在为所有信息素养培训项目的参与者提供协作的网络。 行动素养联盟将开展地区性行动素养培训活动,并建立合作网络以便各地区的经验能在国内外得以分享。作者认为, 从长远来看,让全世界的公民参与广泛的信息素养培训项目应成为一项全球性计划, 而公共图书馆是这一计划的重点。

关键词: 信息素养, 动素养, 动素养联盟


Based on his original vision of Information Literacy(IL) and indepth analysis of its continuing relevance to the economic, political and social changes of the 21st  Century, the author looks into the next 40 years of IL. First, the author described how his 1974 proposal to the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science(NCLIS) explained that the then emerging Information Service Environment was producing information services requiring user training in computer searching. By his understanding of the users’ need for information skills, he creatively coined the phrase Information Literacy, which triggered a worldwide IL movement over 40 years. In this part, the author also explained that current Internet experience proves that there is still a need for the development of information search skills, which could be regarded as a new step for IL, and referred to as Action Literacy (AL). Second, using Greece, Britain, and the States as examples, the author analyzed how information asymmetry has been resulting in the inequality which is currently corrupting the economy and democracy of individual countries, and held that facing this challenge, AL is able to provide the solutions to it as empowered by their improved capability to find good information through universal IL training, people will be able to control the switches to information so to know how to address this underlying problem. In the last part of this keynote speech, the author emphasized that the IL movement must now turn its attention to the application of IL skills in different sectors. In his point of view, to date IL efforts have emphasized academic versions of IL rather than reallife, takeaction, or AL. It now comes a demand for action by IL advocates, experts, librarians, educators and information businesses to focus on extending IL training on the universal basis, actually a system of AL. The author thus introduced his current work with the public library system in his home county, establishing the Action Literacy Coalition(ALC) to provide the means for all involved to coordinate their efforts, to develop local AL training events and also a network through which to share the experience and forward thrust of local organization at home and around the world. This speech concluded that in the long run it would be a global plan to engage members of the public around the world in a program of AL. The focal point of the effort is public libraries.

Keywords: Information literacy, Action literacy, Action literacy coalition