Documentation, Informaiton & Knowledge ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 107-117.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2023.05.107

• Library, Document & Communication • Previous Articles     Next Articles

User Experience Map: A New Tool for Library User Experience Librarians

WANG Wentao1, HOU Jingyu1, QIAN Pengbo2, SONG Tianxiao1, XIE Yangqun3   

  1. 1. School of Management, Anhui University, Hefei, 230601;
    2. Literature and Information Center of Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433;
    3. Hefei Normal University, Hefei, 230601
  • Online:2023-09-10 Published:2023-10-22
  • Contact: Correspondence should be addressed to WANG Wentao, Email:, ORCID:0000-0002-4629-3684
  • Supported by:
    This is an outcome of the project "Research on Library User Experience Map, Evaluation System and Optimization Strategy Driven by Information Experience"(22BTQ036)supported by National Social Science Foundation of China.

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] As a new tool, user experience map is integrated into the research work of library user experience librarians, which helps the librarians to deeply understand the user experience process and improve the library service efficiency. [Design/Methodology ] Based on the elaboration of the concept of user experience map, this paper constructed the framework of user experience map, took the booking service of library study room as an example to demonstrate the specific application process of user experience map in the work of library user experience librarians. [Findings/Conclusion] As a new tool for library user experience librarians, user experience map can help library user experience librarians grasp the emotional changes and real needs of users in the experience process, and optimize and improve services from a global perspective. [Originality/Value] The framework of library user experience map is constructed, and the experience for application reference is accumulated through case practice.

Key words: Library user experience librarian, User experience map, Library services