Documentation, Informaiton & Knowledge ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 83-93,112.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2024.06.083

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Technology-Driven and User Experience-Focused: Identifying the Pathway for High-Quality Development of Digital Culture

JIANG Tingting1,2,3 ,CHEN Xue3 ,SUN Zhumo3   

  1. 1.Research Institute for Data Intelligence, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072;
    2. Intelligent Computing Laboratory for Cultural Heritage, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072;
    3. School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072
  • Online:2024-11-10 Published:2025-01-04
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    This is an outcome of the Major Project "Information Service System Restructuring and Application Driven by Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence"(22&ZD325)supported by National Social Science Foundation of China.

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to strengthen the theoretical foundation in the field of digital culture, providing practical guidance for the ideation, creation, and evaluation of digital cultural products or services, and invigorating the vitality of the digital culture industry and sector. [Design/Methodology] This paper first investigates the application of immersive media and natural interaction technologies in existing digital culture products or service. Then, in response to the technology-oriented pitfalls in past digital cultural practices, it proposes a novel "One-Engine & Two-Wings" model that positions digital technologies as the engine and user experience design and measurement as the two wings. [Findings/Conclusion] The "One-Engine & Two-Wings" model for digital culture incorporates the highly regarded "User-centered" concept of digital experience design, and emphasizes on understanding digital culture user needs , identifying user preferences, and analyzing user feedback, which are previously overlooked. Finally, this paper anticipates three future trends of digital culture: multi-sensory presentation, multi-modal interaction, and multi-method user experience measurement. [Originality/Value] Through theoretical explorations and practical lessons learning from past experiences, this paper highlights the significance of both emerging technologies and user experience in promoting the high-quality development of digital culture.

Keywords: Digital culture, Immersive media, Natural interaction, User experience design and measurement, "One-Engine &, Two-Wings" model