图书情报知识 ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 14-23.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2020.05.014

• 文华专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-09-10 发布日期:2020-10-13

Contributions and Enlightenment of Boone Library School Students to the Education of Library Science in the Chinese RepublicPeriod

  • Online:2020-09-10 Published:2020-10-13

摘要: [目的/意义]作为中国图书馆事业的重要参与者,文华学子从不同领域对民国时期图书馆学专业教育做出了特有贡献。梳理其贡献的具体表现,可为当今图书馆学教育事业的发展提供借鉴。[研究设计/方法]以史料梳理和归纳分析为主要方法,总结文华学子对民国时期图书馆学教育贡献的主要表现和现实启示。[结论/发现] 文华学子对民国时期图书馆学教育的贡献主要体现在:展示专业教育成效,提升办学认知;输入稀缺专业师资,推进办学;注重实践与教学科研结合,适应业界需求。对当今图书馆学教育的启示包括:以互动促进图书馆学教育革新,充分发挥校友作用,以自强不息精神激励教育事业发展。[创新/价值]系统总结了文华学子作为一个整体对民国时期图书馆学教育的贡献,从教育和业界的良性互动、突出实践育人、加强精神塑造等视角剖析了推动图书馆学教育发展的重要举措。

关键词: 文华图专, 文华学子, 图书馆学教育, 贡献, 民国时期

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]As important participants in Chinese librarianship, students of Boone Library School (BLS) made unique contributions to the professional education of library science in the Chinese Republic period in various fields. Clarifying the specific manifestations of their contributions can provide references for the development of library science education today.
[Design/Methodology]With the methods of sorting out and inductive analysis of historical materials, this paper summarized the main manifestations and practical enlightenment of the BLS students’ contributions to library science education in the Chinese Republic period.[Findings/Conclusion]The contributions of the BLS students in library science education during that period were mainly reflected in the following aspects: demonstrating the effectiveness and enhancing the cognition of professional education; introducing scarce professional teachers to promote education; focusing on combining practice with teaching and research to meet the needs of libraries. The enlightenment to current library science education includes: promoting the innovation of library science education through interaction, making full use of alumni, and promoting the development of education with the spirit of self-improvement.[Originality/Value]This paper systematically summarized the contributions of the BLS students to library science education during the Chinese Republic period. It made an analysis on the important measures to promote the development of library science education from the perspectives of positive interaction between education and librarianship, emphasis on practice education, and strengthening the shaping of spirit.

Key words: Boone Library School, Students of Boone Library School, Library science education, Contribution, The Chinese Republic period