图书情报知识 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 6-9.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2023.04.006

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  1. 施普林格•自然集团
  • 出版日期:2023-07-10 发布日期:2023-08-16
  • 作者简介:施普林格•自然集团大中华区暨全球图书业务总裁,拥有电气工程硕士学位和经济学博士学位。负责集团图书业务,涵盖各个学科领域的30多万册学术图书;负责制定施普林格•自然集团的全球战略,协调集团旗下不同品牌的图书出版业务;其主要职责还包括进一步发展印刷及电子图书、技术创新、新业务模式及流程。曾在德国海德堡、威斯巴登,中国北京、上海担任过各种编辑和管理职务;2011-2013年,在施普林格•自然集团北京办公室工作时曾成立专门团队,在海外翻译出版中国学者的一系列学术著作。被中国政府聘为“中国图书对外推广计划”外国专家;2020年荣获中国国家新闻出版署颁发的“中华图书特殊贡献奖”,表彰其在促进中外学术和文化交流方面所做出的突出贡献。Email:niels.thomas@springer.com。

Artificial Intelligence and Scholarly Publishing

Niels Peter Thomas   

  1. Springer Nature
  • Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-08-16

摘要: 出版的历史可以看做是技术创新应用在出版领域的历史,从手抄本的出现到印刷术的普及,再到如今电子书的广泛应用,无一不彰显着技术创新对出版领域产生的巨大影响。那么,人工智能技术是否也有同样的潜力成为出版领域未来进程中的游戏改变者?从历史的发展进程来看,过去的许多创新都有预期的影响,也有非预期的影响。人工智能技术应用到学术出版领域存在明显优势,也可能存在潜在风险。总体上来看,人工智能技术应用到学术出版领域所带来的优势似乎超过其潜在风险,但是要始终牢记创新的非预期影响。将人工智能技术引入学术出版的过程中,我们需要相应的规则和指导方针,遵守以下四项原则:透明性原则、实践性原则、最终目标原则、参与性原则。

关键词: 学术出版, 人工智能, 技术创新

Abstract: The history of publishing can be seen as a history of publishing innovation. From the invention of the codex book form, the printing press, until digitization of book content, some innovations had huge impact on the development of human mankind. Has Artificial Intelligence(AI)the same potential to be a game changer in the future course of the publishing industry? When we analyze past developments and innovations, we can clearly see that many innovations in the past had intended consequences, but many also had consequences that were neither foreseen during the development process, not intended. Understanding that, we are looking at benefits of using AI techniques within academic publishing, but also at potential risks and downsides that can potentially harm the distribution with new, accurate, and relevant knowledge. We come to the conclusion that currently the benefits seem to outweigh the potential risk, but keeping in mind that innovation may also have unforeseen consequences, we need rules and guidelines in the process of integrating AI methods into the publishing process. These guidelines should include four principles: "Transparency", "Experiments", "End Goal" and "Participation".

Key words: Scholarly publishing, Artificial intelligence, Technical innovation