图书情报知识 ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 5-11.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2014.06.005

• 专业教育 •    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2014-11-10 发布日期:2014-11-10

Mission-oriented Educational Quality Management: AACSB Accreditation and Undergraduate Education of Library Science in China

  • Online:2014-11-10 Published:2014-11-10


文章阐述国际精英商学院学会(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,AACSB)认证标准的主要内容,介绍标准中蕴含的商业管理教育的理念及教育质量管理的过程和方法,并借鉴这些理念和方法探讨如何加强我国的图书馆学本科教育质量管理,为提升我国图书馆学本科教育管理水平及教育质量提出建议,如构建基于使命的图书馆学本科教育模式、构建以学生为本的教育质量测评体系、多样化师资建设与管理及鼓励教育质量的持续改进等。文章对我国图书馆学本科教育管理模式的改进及质量标准的制定具有一定的现实意义。

关键词: AACSB, 国际认证, 认证标准, 图书馆学, 本科教育


The article addresses AACSB accreditation standards and how it could inform educational quality management for undergraduate education of library science in China. It introduces the main points of business management education in the USA and the accreditation process. Following the points, process, and methods, the article suggests that library science departments or schools should develop mission-oriented education, create student-centred educational quality assessment system, recruit both practice-oriented and research-oriented faculty members, and encourage continuous improvement in education. The article informs the improvement of undergraduate education management and development of educational quality standards.

Key words: AACSB, International accreditation, Accreditation standards, Library science, Undergraduate education