图书情报知识 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 41-49.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2022.03.041

• 专题 · 疫情时期的科学交流 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-05-10 发布日期:2022-07-30

Changes of the China's International Scientific Research Collaboration Patterns Before and After COVID-19 Outbreak : An Analysis Based on bioRxiv

  • Online:2022-05-10 Published:2022-07-30

摘要: [目的/意义]揭示新冠疫情爆发前后我国国际科研合作模式的特征和差异,为后疫情时代我国提高国际合作参与度和合作影响力提供借鉴。[研究设计/方法]以12余万篇bioRxiv平台论文为样本,构建了一个有向、加权、以通讯作者为中心的全球科研合作主导网络,并从国际合作增长情况、合作生存概率、合作规模、合作强度和合作地位五个维度来测量我国的国际科研合作模式。[结论/发现]在新冠疫情全球爆发后,我国的国际合作关系比重、规模、强度总体呈现出先增长后下降的趋势,而我国的国际合作地位一直保持上升势头。我国在新冠病毒领域的合作地位要远高于其他领域。[创新/价值]从复杂网络视角探测疫情前后全球科研合作网络的变化特性,测度我国在国际科研合作中的影响力变化,为我国提高国际合作影响力提供有益参考。

关键词: 科学合作, 复杂网络, 合作模式, 新冠疫情, bioRxiv

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] To provide references for improving China's participant and influence of international collaboration in the post-pandemic era, this paper explores the variation of the international collaboration patterns of China before and after the breaking out of COVID-19 . [Design/Methodology] Based on over 120 thousand scientific research papers in the bioRxiv platform, we create directed, weighted global co-authored relationship networks dominated by corresponding authors and analyze the international collaboration changes in China by measuring the increasing trend of collaboration numbers, the survival rate of collaboration relationship, the scale of collaboration partiners, the strength and the status in the collaboration. [Findings/Conclusion] Results indicate that after the global outbreak of COVID-19, the number, strength, and scale of international collaboration of China show a trend of first increase and then decrease, but international collaboration status of China has been an upward momentum,moreover, the collaboration status of China in the COVID-19 field is much higher than that in non-COVID-19 field. [Originality/Value] This study explores and measures the changes in the international scientific collaboration pattern and status of China before and after the pandemic, from the perspective of complex network,which helps to provide useful references for China to boost the influence of international collaboration.

Keywords: Scientific collaboration, Complex network, Collaboration pattern, COVID-19, bioRxiv