图书情报知识 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 47-58.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.06.047

• 专业教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-11-10 发布日期:2019-12-03

Survey Report on MLIS Program Development in China (2018)

  • Online:2019-11-10 Published:2019-12-03

摘要: [目的/意义]2018年我们组织实施了第六次全国MLIS教育发展状况调查,旨在了解我国MLIS教育现状及发展趋势。[研究设计/方法]通过问卷调研与实地走访,深入了解了MLIS培养单位、师资状况、招生与就业、教育培养、以及学位点建设的现状,并通过历年数据梳理,分析MLIS教育的发展态势。[结论/发现] 根据此次对29所MLIS培养单位的调查,得出2018年MLIS培养单位的专任师资总数、导师数量、招生人数,新生结构、毕业生就业等发展状况数据。在不断探索和规范MLIS培养模式以及教学资源的基础上,许多单位正逐步形成自身的特色。[创新/价值]在历年报告基础上,此次调查新增了实践基地、课程建设与案例教学、资政辅政三个模块的内容,提出了MLIS学位点建设与发展的建议。

关键词: 图书情报硕士, 图书情报教育, 专业学位, 调查报告, 中国

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]In 2018, we organized and implemented the sixth national MLIS education development survey to study the current situation and development trend of MLIS education in China.[Design/Methodology]Through the questionnaire survey and on-site investigation, we have had an in-depth understanding of MLIS training institutions, teaching staff, enrollment and employment, cultivation, and construction of degree programs. By reviewing the data over the past few years, we analyzed the development trend of MLIS education.[Findings/Conclusion]According to the survey of 29 MLIS training institutions, the number of fulltime faculty, tutor number, enrollment number, composition of freshmen, and employment of graduates in 2018 have been explored. By continuing exploration and standardization of the training model and teaching resource for MLIS, many institutions are gradually shaping their own characteristics. [Originality/Value]Compared to the previous reports, three new parts have been added into this survey, including practice base, curriculum construction and case teaching, and policy consultation. Besides, suggestions on the construction and development of MLIS degree programs have been proposed.

Key words: Master of library and information science, Education of library and information science, Professional degree, Investigation report, China