图书情报知识 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 95-106.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2021.05.095

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  • 出版日期:2021-09-10 发布日期:2021-11-11

The Evolution of LIS Doctoral Research Topics in North America in the Interdisciplinary View

  • Online:2021-09-10 Published:2021-11-11

摘要: [目的/意义]通过分析上个世纪六十年代以来北美图书情报学科博士生科研主题的变化,反映图书情报学科研究主题的演变和发展。[研究设计/方法] 收集了北美图书情报学科自上个世纪六十年代以来博士学位论文的学科主题以及博士生就读期间所发表科研论文的研究主题,通过统计分析博士生科研主题的跨学科性演变特征。[结论/发现] 图书情报学科是一个具有跨学科特性的交叉学科,其主要研究领域在过去二十年里发生了转变;而博士生导师的学科背景会影响其学生博士学位论文的跨学科性,导师的跨学科背景对博士生的论文发表产出有积极影响,但对其发表论文的影响力没有显著影响。[创新/价值]通过分析ProQuest学位论文数据库中使用的ProQuest学科分类主题词,使用总体数据而不是样本来分析图书情报学科的科研主题演变;导师的学科背景对博士生学位论文和科研发表的影响也是本文的新发现。

关键词: 图书情报学, 科研主题, 跨学科, 导师学科背景, 博士生教育

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance]This study investigates the research topics of LIS doctors in North America from the 1960s so as to reflect the research topics' evolution and development in the field of library and information science.[Design/Methodology]This study analyzes LIS Doctoral dissertation topics and their publication topics during the period of their doctoral studies so as to reveal the interdisciplinary evolution of LIS doctoral researches in North America since the 1960s. [Findings/Conclusion]Our results provide evidence that LIS is an interdisciplinary field, and its primary research fields have changed during the past 20 years. They also suggest that advisors’ disciplinary backgrounds have influence on the interdisciplinarity of doctoral dissertations, which exert positive effects on LIS Doctoral research productivity, but few effects on the impact of their papers. [Originality/Value]With the use of subject categories in ProQuest, the overall data instead of the sample data has been analyzed to explore the scientific research evolution of LIS. Moreover, the influence of tutors’ disciplinary backgrounds on doctoral dissertations and scientific research publications is a new discovery.

Key words: Library and information science, Scientific research topic, Interdisciplinary, Advisors’ disciplinary background, Doctoral education