图书情报知识 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 39-50.doi: 10.13366/j.dik.2019.02.039

• 专业教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-03-10 发布日期:2019-03-10

Breeding or Region: Understanding the Pattern of Faculty Mobility in iSchools

  • Online:2019-03-10 Published:2019-03-10


[目的/意义]了解全球iSchools的师资流动特性,尤其是亲缘因素和地域因素的影响。[研究设计/方法]分析了56所iSchools的1123位教师的最高学历毕业院校和现任职院校的定向流动情况。 [结论/发现] 发现iSchools已形成规模,师资流动的频繁程度由北美地区到亚太地区再到欧洲地区逐渐减弱;从整体上看iSchools内部凝聚严重,对青年教师的选用既想避免亲缘因素的影响又想加入更多学科的力量;不同阶段的iSchools师资结构呈现出两极分化的现象。[创新/价值]从毕业最高院校就职到现任学校的就职流动视角,考察了全球不同地区iSchools之间和之内的师资流动情况。

关键词: iSchools, 师资队伍, 地域流动, 亲缘流动, 人才流动


[Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to understand the pattern of faculty mobility in iSchools, especially the impact of breeding and regional factors on it. [Design/Methodology] The information, including the highest degree awarded school and current working school, of 1123 faculties in 56 iSchools has been collected. [Findings/Conclusion] Results show that iSchools movement has successfully developed into a certain scale group. The mobility appeared to be most active in North America, followed by Asia and Pacific, and Europe. However, iSchools have had too much internal cohesion. Consequently, iSchools attempt to be less affected by breeding while they could also absorb talents from other disciplines. And faculty structures in iCaucus are much more stable than new iSchools. [Originality/Value] The global faculty mobility among iSchools has been investigated from the perspective of the highest degree awarded school and current working school.

Keywords: iSchools, Faculty structure, Regional mobility, Breeding mobility, Talent mobility